About me
Hi. I’m Isaac, a 21-year-old student & developer from England. I write code, think about code, procrastinate (a lot), and occasionally do photography. I like making things, both physically and digitally. I find science interesting, but also sometimes incredibly boring.
I started messing with code a little in 2016, starting with very basic Node.JS and some basic HTML & CSS only web pages. I have been writing more code every year since, as my GitHub profile shows.
I first tried photography in 2017 and I have been doing a little bit each year, mostly on holidays or day trips to interesting places.
I'm also known as "eartharoid" and "earth". I created the name "eartharoid" in early 2016 whilst thinking of a username for my Steam account. I like space stuff, Earth is my favourite planet, and I smashed an incorrect spelling of asteroid on the end.
This isn’t a full résumé but I needed a heading for this section.
I have worked on many projects. For my major projects, click the button below.
My skills
It seems popular to have a list of icons/logos to represent “skills”, so here’s mine:
Programming languages
A lot of portfolio sites have progress bars or numbers representing ability to use the language or tool. I think it’s dumb but I made up some numbers anyway.
My notable work is listed here. This includes my major (primary) projects, secondary and “just for fun” projects, commissions, and other projects which I think are important. Some projects are not made entirely by me. To see all of my public work, visit my GitHub profile.
Websites I have worked on, although not necessarily completely made by me.
- christmascountdown.live - my first website using a framework (Vue, now Svelte)
- illusionthe.dev - my first website commission
- left4craft.org - Nextjs and tailwind
- eartharoid.me - my personal website, you’re looking at it right now, made with Hugo
- blog.muetab.com - another Hugo website
Node.js (JS/TS)
- leekslazylogger - a logger module
- dtf - a date-time formatter module, originally for leekslazylogger
- Christmas Countdown - A Discord bot
- Discord Tickets - A Discord bot
- i18n - a message localisation module, originally for my Discord bots
I helped with some of the plugins for Left4Craft, a Minecraft (Java) server.
Honestly, I’m not very good at photography. I don’t do it very often but I enjoy it. I like doing landscape and wildlife photography the most.
You can view a small collection of some of my best (or in some cases, not very good but still a favourite) photos in my gallery.